After a bit of a break of serious cooking in the kitchen, I'm back! Well, I guess I should say that I'm coming back. Adjusting to life with a little one around makes cooking meals even more adventurous than normal. However, I did have time to make plenty of Christmas goodies this last Christmas. One of my favorites were my mint chocolate Christmas trees. They were delish! Yes, I know Christmas is over, but let me share this easy recipe with you and adapt it for whatever event you want to.
First I crushed candy canes and put them in the bottom of Christmas tree shaped silicon ice trays. Next, I poured melted white chocolate into the molds, and tapped the molds on the counter. The chocolate went into the fridge to allow the white chocolate to harden some. After about 5 minutes I pulled them out and then poured the milk chocolate on top next. Again I tapped the mold on the counter to release the air bubbles. The mold went back into the fridge for fifteen minutes. When the chocolate was hardened, I popped them out of the molds and they were ready to eat. This delicious treat would work in any shape, or with any chocolates, so be creative and enjoy some homemade candies.
They were delicious---wish I had some right now. Could we do some for Easter in egg shapes and spring colored chocolate? Aunt Rhonda